terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009

Bem Vindos ao meu Blog

Good morning everyone, I'm José Manuel Pereira, a student of computer science with a desire to learn something in the area of multimedia, which until now has shown me very hard.
In this Blog, posera find what I can learn and go running to put here:

  1. I like to read newspapers and good books especially related to the history of Portugal and world history.;

  2. I like to walk one to two hours per day;

  3. I also like to talk with some friends;

  4. I like to go to school and that the main frequency of Reason;


http://www.blogger.com/wwwgmail.comOemails my five site "s / places are delivered:




w ww.desporto. with.

Official Sports

BibEJBVlioteca of

pt -> Portugal -> http://www.google.pt/

es -> Spain-> www.google.es

ru -> Russian-> http://www.googls.ru/

com -> commercial-> www.google.com.

com.pt-> Commercial-Portugal> www.googlle.com.pt.

gov.pt--> Government of Portugal -> www.google. gov.Portugal.pt.
